
now is 5 pm........
juz woke up...
dream nothing...
well, nothing much to say...
tomorrow im going back to the world of student...........
assignmentssssss waiting for me....
final exam

creating email 4 mummy.....
lembap punya internet.......
bosan beta tunggu.......
but, for mummy's sake n easier for to chat wif mummy...
i have to be patient.......

mummy has an email......

have turn up side down...
things has change fort backwards..

i need changes...
YOU need changes too....
i cant help myself to be hypocrite cz i hate hypocrite...

plz let me be im the world where can i find peace, true love, freedom, unity, no hatred
well, this sound so the prefect world which

let me think...
let me in my own world thinking...


1 day will changed the world's mind...


Pada suatu ptg seorang wanita pergi berjumpa doktor gigi.........

Wanita : "Selamat ptg doktor !!!"
Doktor : "Ptg bole saya bantu?"

Sambil naik ke tempat tidur wanita tersebut lalu mengangkangkan kakinya... doktor itu terkejut dan berkata...

Doktor : "Maaf puan saya doktor gigi bukan doktor sakit puan..."
Wanita : "Saya tahu lagi pula saya tidak bermasalah dengan anu saya..."
Doktor : "Lalu kenapa puan mengangkang?"
Wanita : "Saya ingin doktor mencabut gigi suami saya yang tersangkut di anu saya..."
Doktor : "@#^*@%#&*????????"


Adalah satu suami isteri tinggal kat rumah diorang.....c suami asyik berfoya2 dgn pempoan len....

Suatu hari c isteri dah tak tahan dgn acting suami dier....

lalu dia pun nak bunuh suami nyer.....sebelum membunuh,adalah dialog diorang ni.....

Isteri::Bersedia lah untuk mati abang.....(sambil memegang pisau)

Suami::Ehhh....kenapakah kau nak bunuh aku?

Isteri::Aku dah tak tahan dgn kerenah abang!!!

Suami::Apakah niat yg lain mu membunuh aku? (sedang menangis)

Isteri::..........erm.....NAWAITU BUNUH ORANG GUNA PISAU KERANA ALLAH TAALA........agaknyer lah.......itu kot niat aku

Lalu suami pun mati........di bunuh..........bodoh punya isteri....mana ade niat camtu!!!


i got it from my friends to cheer up ur days.....
a morning started with dating wif love one.....
smile trough the day....
having class now....
madam hairani class...
n im posting a blog in her class..
if she noe, mati beta......
High risk infection to person yg smooking, has atshma, children, pregnant woman

Beginner stage
Batuk, selsema, demam, sakit tekak, bila terbesin bunyi tak kuat...

Second Stage
Susah bernafas, simtom macam asthma but not asthma, at this stage if you touch the person, or breath in the same room 80% boleh kena...masa ni kena hospital. Masalahnya sekarang dah ramai yg kena.. hospital tak cukup katil & bilik kuarantin...Bila u pengsan macam nak mati baru dia org admitted.macam kes adik I.

Lung infection. Bila X ray we can see the virus covered the lung. Like my brother case. Very scary bila tengok x ray tu. At this stage u need oksigen with highest level, Strongest antivral..very high drug. At least 7 days oksigen kena bagi. % to recover depend to age, imune badan u. That's why kalau baby atau budak2 susah nak kata...normally die. My brother hari ni genap 8 hari..still need oksigen. Kesian dia. Masa tahap critical tu tercungap2 dia bernafas, sampai menangis...Sampai satu tahap dia berguling atas simen sbb dah tak tahan...sampai dia give up ..sampai dia blh cakap lebih baik Allah ambik nyawa dia...Itu lelaki tu..imagine kalau pompuan atau budak2. We all cuma blh tengok dia dari cermin...tak blh masuk dlm bilik kuarantin..Dr & nurse aje boleh masuh...siap pakai baju plastik. To support him, what we did bagi sms, bagi dia alquran biar dia baca so that dia tenang, bagi tasbih biar dia zikir ingat Allah & bagi Air yasin...Alhamdulillah pastu dia ok sikit.Ada hikmahnya...All the family member unite to support my brother fighting the virus.

Masalahnya hospital swasta tak terima H1N1 case, sekarang ni semua depend hospital kerajaan yg most of the doctors still young . The oldest dr in my brother ward was 28 years. All the Otai dah pergi private. Lepas tu plak this is the first time to treat H1N1 patient. At the same time dr bz with other case as well...1 doktor 5 patient...kat gov hospital...kesian dr2 tu...berhempas pulas nak selamatkan patient. I appreciate them, mmg very appreciate dia org jaga adik i dgn baik sekali..So far hospital Ampang is the best goverment hospital yg i jumpa..very efficient.Very quick action ..Even senior dia org dah pergi private & they don't have much experience , dia org tetap work hard give the best treatment to the patients..sampai tak balik rumah...tidor kat hospital.

Rasa nak peluk & cium dia org sebab selamatkan adik I...

Cerita berkongsi bersama untuk renungan.....
starting the week of the new comers, lots of thing had happened n link to each other...
during that week on Thursday, i caught a fever wif running nose n cough...
went to the poli but still i was not recovered..
then i went for a 'urut-mengurut' at lydia's room then it feel much better the next day..

then after a week, i caught fever for the SECOND time...
i felt very the bery miserable....
i hate to be sick...

then the new monster which known H1N1 is spreading around the sarawak as fast as 100000m/s
i was really never coz i had all the symptom...
seriously if i was resulted as positive H1N1, i could not cope with it...

then i get lydia n jez to urut me again cz i want to be recover from my fever..
finally i in the PINK of health ..

thank GOD...

then a new chapter of life pop again...
IPSM was being quarantined for a week...

hurraay cz no clazz but huhuhuhuhu for had to stuck in ipsm for a week....
i was out of money n had to tebalkan muka borrow my beloved sis's money
thank you ayen...

then after a week of quarantined..
everything get to normal.....

yeah yeah...

then yesterday we had encountered a very funny aka miserable aka don't wat to say
2 ambulanz came to ips for GOD sake some1 make n prank call n we experienced blackout for TWICE...

best sgt2......

that the stories for update...